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Restore and connect with yourself, with your neighbours (human and animal), and with your global home.


Yoga with Donkeys

$25 per person/ minimum group of 6

Inquire about private rates 

Experience connection and release with this incredible event. The donkeys are drawn to the energy in the circle and offer support as our certified yoga instructor, Niqi, guides you through a series of movements on your chair focusing on the revitalizing the chakras.


  • Safe for all levels

  • Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before. You are welcome to stay for 15-20 minutes after

  • Waivers required

  • Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes - for insurance purposes and your safety, open toe sandals or slippers will not be allowed entry

  • Chairs are provided; feel free to bring a pillow for your comfort

  • Try not to consume alcohol or caffeine at  least 3 hours prior to your session

  • Drink lots of water before and after. Please bring your own reusable container. No plastic throwaway bottles please

  • In trying to reduce our carbon footprint, everyone should take their garbage away with them

  • There is a porta potty on site


Cacao Spirit, Equine Hearts

$40 per person/ group of 3 minimum

$75 single private session

Join us at Small Blessings for magical nights with the horses, donkeys and plant medicine. Cacao has been used not only as medicine, but in ceremony, ritual, and as currency too. As medicine, cacao, while it is not a psychedelic, has naturally occurring serotonin which gives us the feeling of joy or euphoria. Phenylethylanine, also found in cacao, stimulates the nervous system to release endorphins, which also makes us feel good, alert and focused. High in magnesium and theobromine, cacao is an excellent anti-oxidant and helps with improved circulation. ​However, there are some precautions. Studies show that if you are taking anti-depressants that contain MAOIs, it may contraindicate which may lead to headaches. Cacao is a vasodilator therefore those with heart conditions should be cautioned to mind their dosage (less quantity, smaller sips, greater dilution). 


Using pure 100% organic, fair trade cacao, we will begin meditation by infusing our cup of cacao with intention, and as we sip, allow the healing properties of the bean to open our hearts to receive her gifts. We will then invite the equines to join us in a guided meditation, followed by sharing and time with the animals. 


  • Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before. You are welcome to stay for 15-20 minutes after

  • Waivers required

  • Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes - for insurance purposes and your safety, open toe sandals or slippers will not be allowed entry

  • Chairs are provided; feel free to bring a pillow for your comfort

  • Try not to consume alcohol or caffeine at  least 3 hours prior to your session

  • Drink lots of water before and after. Please bring your own reusable container. No plastic throwaway bottles please

  • In trying to reduce our carbon footprint, everyone should take their garbage away with them

  • There is a porta potty on site

Meditation with Equines

$25 per person/ group of 3 minimum


$50 single person in a private session

Meditation. The ability to quiet the mind and enter into a state of relaxation, peace and mindful awareness in your present state. 


The equines join us for this hour where hearts connect and minds still.

We have several offerings to assist with wellness of body, heart and mind.


We also have a program called Meditation in Motion which is the act of focusing on an intention while performing specific movements or tasks or combination of both in silence and in the company of animals and nature.


  • Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before. You are welcome to stay for 15-20 minutes after

  • Waivers required

  • Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes - for insurance purposes and your safety, open toe sandals or slippers will not be allowed entry

  • Try not to consume alcohol or caffeine at  least 3 hours prior to your session

  • Drink lots of water before and after. Please bring your own reusable container. No plastic throwaway bottles please

  • In trying to reduce our carbon footprint, everyone should take their garbage away with them

  • There is a porta potty on site

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